woensdag 3 oktober 2012

Sil's Shirt

Dressing up your pet is not something I like.
So don't do this at home!

Normally a cat or dog should be able to stay warm enough during the winter so they don't need clothing.
Short hair cats like Sphynx, Cornish Rex and Devon Rex and older cats (many cats loose, as they age, their inner thermostat and can't keep warm) can use some extra warmth.
 Our Sil was shivering again. We gave him excess to a warm place but he doesn't go there.
So I bought him a shirt before the cold weather hits us.
Choosing the right size was difficult but according to the size chart on the website Sil's right size was M.

This shirt was way too big :-)
It slided backwards immedeately during his walk.
Then the neck opening started to obstruct his walking so it really needed some alterations.
Time for me to thread a needle.

Now (photo 1) the shirt has a much more tight fit and he has a fin at his back and one at his tummy :-)
I'm still thinking of widening the wholes for his forelegs to create maximum freedom of movement.
When the design is right I can make him a custom-made soft fleece one for the worst winter cold.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. He looks very relaxed wearing it! Before you know it he'll want to wear it summer or winter :D
    Big hug for the furry friend!

  2. I gave him a big hug! And a kiss on his head :-)
    And another one because of World Animal Day.
